For the second year in a row, PICA has involved Crescenzo Communications in our annual workshop, with very good reason. Their contributions to our learning have been phenomenal! While we’ve had some primers on the ins and outs of various social media mechanisms, Cindy Crescenzo joined us this year to help us understand how to use social media to our companies’ advantage. Today’s recap is brought to you by Kirsten Faherty.
“Social media is necessary in one way, shape or form. Your customers expect it or you’re shutting them up,” Cindy explains.
After all, social media is cost effective, right? And everyone is online, right? So, does one method of communicating replace another? And how do we know what works best for the communicator and the company?
Cindy broke it down for us by explaining that in order to communicate using social media, we need a purpose, plan, real voice and way to tell if it is effective.
Through a series of examples and studies, Cindy showed us how Facebook and Twitter can be used in ways that guide comments and participation, so your online communications don’t just turn into a giant complaint chat room.
The State Farm example showed us that their Facebook wall could be used for much more than general comments. “It’s a conversation, not a marketing tool,” Cindy shared. So, while it is insurance-related, it’s not blatantly saying, ‘buy our insurance…we’re the best.’ Rather, it’s showing something that State Farm believes in and the insurers commenting on the site are telling the stories for them.
A great tip that Cindy shared with is was to “use You Tube to thwart bandwidth issues.” So, instead of begging for space on your company’s intranet, reserve a You Tube channel and put your videos there.
Twitter is something that has always seemed tricky to me…how can it be taken seriously when so many individuals use it so frivolously?
Cindy advised, “Put a person behind the social media, not just your company’s name. Who is the person? Whoever is closest to the problem.” Makes total sense…let the person in your organization who is in the know and who can resolve the issue be that particular Twitter account’s voice. Brilliant!
Beyond improving and building your own company’s online presence, what can we do to better serve our agents?
Allstate provides templates for their agents to customize and even feeds useful content. The agent’s part is making it happen…they take the initiative to update the information and provide their own Twitter and Facebook information. From our Allstate example of Joe Schneider, we can see how his carrier-provided webpage complements with his more conversational Facebook page.
What about the other things we’ve all debated, like how to handle negative comments, or knowing which method is the best, or finding the time to maintain the sites? (We know firsthand about this, right, PICA? As we build this site and redesign our static site? It’s HARD to keep up with them all!) Measuring the usage through comments, hits and impact can let you know where your time is best spent and also reveal where you’re spending time and don’t need to.
Remember the Six Phases of Social Media that Cindy described? I think a lot of us are still in Phase Two: aware that it exists, but aren’t sure that it applies to our company. I like what Cindy said about this; that we should “consider the end result.” So I think we’re all ready to move on to Phase Three: experimenting with social media.
If that’s where you feel like you are, remember Cindy’s good advice to refrain from being an evangelist about communicating this way, and construct a good case for social media by tying it to and existing business objective.
For more information about Cindy’s presentation, you can click here for a limited time to view her PowerPoint and share the notes with your supervisor as you look for ways to incorporate social media into your business culture and communication plans. Please remember that Crescenzo Communications can work directly with your organization to review all of your communications and help you plan for the future.