Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day Three - Open Forum

On the last day of our workshop, we meet to "talk shop." This year, our member-generated topics included how to get our co-workers to contribute articles to our publications, how to best reach our agents through e-mail and other media, how to get good ideas for stories, and who within our companies are responsible for maintaining company manuals.

Here is a perspective on the benefits of our Open Forum, shared by PICA treasurer, Julie:

One of my traditionally favorite segments of the PICA Workshop each year is the Open Forum. This is the time we set aside for all attendees to bring their questions and concerns to the group for discussion. It is the final segment of the workshop before everyone goes back to their companies with fresh new ideas and answers to any questions that might have.

It gives attendees the chance to bounce their ideas off other members and, in many cases, get new ideas from attendees that have already done “something similar.”

It has also shown me over the years where I needed to focus my efforts to remain in step with my fellow communicators in the industry. Every year there is a wide range of topics discussed and a great sharing of ideas. I’ve learned so much during my time spent at the Open Forum.

- Julie

Thanks, Julie! And remember, you can use THIS SITE as an open forum anytime you like. Is there a topic or question you want to bounce off other PICA members? Just e-mail Kirsten - (you've got my e-mail address...For SPAM's sake, I'm not posting it here!) - and I'll post it here on our blog and I'll notify our members that it's out here. We can reply to your question in the comments section. It's your way to keep the Open Forum open all year long!

- Kirsten

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